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Checkit software contains the following third party Open Source components:

Automated Monitoring Hub

Linux. Licence: GNU General Public Licence, version 2
Node.js. Licence: copyright Node.js contributors
Express. Licence: MIT
Express-ws. Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
nedb. Licence: MIT
ws. Licence: MIT

Cloud Service

Amazon Web Services. Licence details: Linux AMI End User License Agreement for Amazon Linux AMI (64-bit)
Apache 2 httpd. Licence details: Apache License, Version 2
MongoDB. Licence details: GNU Affero General Public License
Node.js. Licence details: Copyright Node.js contributors 
Nginx. Licence details: 2-clause BSD-like license
Loopback. Licence details: MIT open-source license
Passport. Licence details: MIT
Mongojs. Licence details: Own open source license
Application Crash Reporting. Licence details: Apache License, Version 2
CouchDB. Licence details: Apache License, Version 2
RabbitMQ. Licence details: MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1
PHP. Licence details: PHP Licence v3.0.1
Docker Registry. Licence details: Apache License, Version 2
Keycloak OAUTH. Licence details: Apache License, Version 2
CFSSL. Licence details: Copyright (c) 2014 CloudFlare Inc.
PostgreSQL. Licence details: Own open source license

Web User Interface

Node.js. Licence details 
SASS. Licence details: MIT
Bower. Licence details: MIT
Gulp. Licence details: MIT
Jasmine. Licence details: MIT
Karma. Licence details: MIT
Angular JS. Licence details: MIT
jQuery. Licence details: MIT
Lodash. Licence details: MIT
pickadate.js. Licence details: MIT
jQuery UI. Licence details: MIT and CC0
Angular UI Tree. Licence details: MIT
Font Awesome Font. Licence details: SIL Open Font Licence
Font Awesome CSS, LESS, SASS. Licence details: MIT
Font Awesome Pictograms. Licence details: CC BY 3.0 
ngProgress. Licence details: MIT
normalise.css. Licence details: MIT
angular-translate. Licence details: MIT
Shepherd.js. Licence details: MIT
Tether.js. Licence details: MIT

Work Management Memo

Gson 2.3.1; Joda-time 2.5; Guava Collections; Acra 4.6.2. Licence 
Team Win Recovery Project. Licence
Apache Commons Codec. Licence
Android SDK 4.3, 4.4.2, 4.4.4, 5.0, 5.1. Licence

Work Management Probe